Project Results



    “Mysterious Ciphers” eTwinning project continued efficiently for 8 months with joint activities  between September 2020 and April 2021. 10 countries from Europe, Asia and America, 12 High Schools, 12 Teachers, 195 students (around 120 active) worked together in this project.

    All the activities specified during the project application form have been made and all of the goals plan have been achieved. During the project, we regularly  made evaluations and measured the rate of reaching the goals. Some results are as follows;

    • Increasing math motivation(significant increase) 
    • Raising awareness of encryption and data security (%95)
    • Improving the ability to use foreign languages (%100)
    • Developing acquisitions of mathematics topics that functions,permutatin etc..(%91)
    • Developing creativity by revealing original ideas /encryption methods(%100)
    • Developing manual dexterity by designing wooden encryption tools(%100)
    • Experiencing interdisciplinary project-based learning using Math, ICT, History etc…(%77)
    • Increasing teachers and students knowledge and skills about ICT and Web 2.0 tools.(%85)
    • Developing collaborative and cohesive working skills(%77)
    • Improving communication skills and cultural exchange (%87)
    • Improving the relationship of teachers with their foreign colleagues (%73)
    • Exchanging of ideas with teacher colleagues about teaching methods (%82)

    The first item (math motivation) , was measured by the scientific first-last test method. For math motivation evaluation, this scientific article was used. Other items were evaluated according to the results of the students/teachers questionnaires applied in the project process and the concrete outputs of the project.

    Evaluation and dissemination studies were carried out regularly at every stage of the project. As a result of the project, a wide variety of common products and concrete outputs were achieved.

    Despite the difficult  pandemic conditions affecting the whole world, the project studies were mostly (%85) carried out remotely and as can be seen from the evaluation results, the studies were successfully completed. Good relationships are developed between all partners. This project can be further developed in the future as a new eTwinning project or an Erasmus project. Thank you very much to all partners for their contribution and cooperation. Hope  to meet in new projects...  Nevin BİLGİÇLİ-Project Administrator

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